Reasons to Hire a DJ for Your Wedding

Your wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and you want it to go off without a hitch. You want it to be an event you and all your guests remember fondly. One integral piece of your special day is the DJ.

While your budget is likely first and foremost on your mind, the DJ is not something you want to skimp on. You may find it tempting to have a friend or family member fill the role, but this could be a big mistake. Here are a few reasons to hire a DJ for your wedding.


A professional DJ has a vested interest in the success of your big day. That friend or family member that offers to work your wedding reception may not be as interested in the details of your festivities as a professional would be. They also may not be as committed to your big day as you are, and might end up with other obligations. Don’t be left high and dry! Amateurs are far less invested in your day than a professional who has a signed contract.

Master of Ceremonies

An experienced wedding DJ knows how a wedding event should go. They’re well-versed in keeping your banquet moving along. They are essentially the master of ceremonies at your reception, making certain the events within the event move and go off without a hitch. There are a lot of moving pieces to a wedding reception. They have to do introductions, announce and arrange the first dance, father/daughter dance, mother/son dance, etc. They also know all the latest trends in wedding celebrations so your event can shine!


This is a big one. A professional DJ has quality equipment that works. The speakers are adequate and can be adjusted to the dynamics of the room. Many have some great lighting rigs that bring a certain flair to the dance floor. Additionally, if something breaks, a professional DJ will have backup systems in place to seamlessly continue the festivities. An amateur DJ usually comes with less than adequate equipment, and in the event of a failure, they have no way to recover.

Reading the Crowd

A professional DJ knows how to watch a crowd and knows just the right moments to play certain music. They can quickly determine what music resonates with your guests (and what doesn’t!). Every crowd is different, and a DJ needs to know what to play and what not to play for that particular group.

Are you looking for an award-winning DJ for your upcoming wedding reception? HD Entertainment is a trusted local DJ serving the south-central PA and northern MD areas. If you have any questions about our processes or booking information, call, email, or contact us today!